Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Manaiakalani Film Festival by Cypress

In Term 2 we were learning a lot about movie magic, and how movies can influence our world. We created many movies. We started by brainstorming key messages we could include in our movies. 

We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.

Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.

Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.

School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

good work lol cool movie keep it up

frances said...

eat one Kini!
i like the way you guy changed Kini's mind.keep it up

Anonymous said...

I like kini because his mind changed about going to school

Losana said...

nice keep it up and remeber Kini school is COOL

Anonymous said...

Hi room 7 I really like your movie about school is cool. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Good work room 7. Your singing voices sounded nice and clear.

Mary Jane.

Anonymous said...

Hi room 7 I really like your movie because it was funny and also because I also think school is number 1.

From Joedzy (room2)

Denise said...

I like about room 7 because your video interesting and lovely too.

Emma said...

I like the way Losana had spoken loudly.

By Emma, From room 2

Marshal said...

I liked Room 7's 'School Is Cool' because it was an inspiring movie to make me come to school more often! Keep up the amazing work Room 7!

Anonymous said...

I like room 7's movie because they said school is cool.

From Ngarongo

Anonymous said...

I like room 7's because I like the way that they said school is number 1.

Anonymous said...

I like room 7 because they speak clearly and loud.keep it up.

from aumau

Anonymous said...
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Kiko said...

I like room7 because school is really cool.

From Fala Kiko

Anonymous said...

school is cool as.

Anonymous said...

I liked room 7 because Kini didn't like school and then he changed.
Dupri and Jayden

Esther said...

I like the way that Room 7 smiles at the camera and spoke loudly with confidence.
By:Esther from Room 2

Anonymous said...

I like Room 7 because think that school is cool and it is. Keep it up!

From Alethia

Anonymous said...

I like Room 7's movie because school is cool.By Toma

Anonymous said...

I like Room 7's School is cool. I think school is cool to and it helps us learn things. :)
By:Alone from Room 2

Kiko said...

I liked Room 7 because School is really Cool.

By Fala Kiko (Room 2)

Anonymous said...


What I liked about Room 7's video is Kini always smile's at the camera and always sits still.

Room 9@Pt England School said...

Hi Room 7
Your movie was amazing! We think school is cool too.

From Room 9

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WOW Room 7 your movie was really persuading.I loved the way how you did the effect where it took me on a really cool journey on how school is cool.Keep the amazing work up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kini, you were a good actor on the School is Cool movie, and I know you dont think school is boring, because you always play and laugh everyday. Keep up the good work my friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7,
You are right school is cool especially playing with all your friends and doing your work so that you don't always have to do your work you can also play with friends , that is why I like school.

Fiona Grant said...

School is cool Room 7 and your movie does a great job of sharing all the cool learning and playing you do at school. I am sure everyone will "pay attention".

Lorenzo said...

Hi room seven school is very cool and
your school is to.

Jalen said...

Hi Room 7

I like your movie because you spoke in a clear voice

Taeshell said...


Hey I used to come to that school. Its me Taeshell. MAN! I Haven't seen that school since a long time. GREAT MOVIE! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK

Anonymous said...

Great movie Room 7! You delivered a positive message about the ways that coming to school can help us.

BROOKLYN said...

HI room 7 we liked your movie because you all have very great voices you are right school is cool thank you for sharering your movie with us From BROOKLYN and RITUA at pt england school in room 11

Anonymous said...

School is cool! I love this movie, because sometimes it can be boring but as us students we have to succeed for the future. I love the acting Kini and the song is amazing it reminds me of the days when I use to sing it back in primary, anyways that was really awesome I really liked it. I am proud and excited to see more of your wonderful works next year!

Ili Lolaka

Anonymous said...

Great work room 7 its great, great reasons why your school is cool. I think you could improve your video quality though but overall great
From Albert