Friday, April 11, 2014

Togan Group - Po Fiafia

Tongan FifFia night group from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

T.P.S Fiafia night by Patosina - Term 1 2014

This Presentation is about our Fiafia night and all the culture performances and I had a great time at our Fiafia night.

ANZAC by Deandra

This is my ANZAC poem that I wrote to honour our fallen soldiers. I hope you enjoy reading my poem.

Soldiers in War by John

This is my my ANZAC Poem.

The Tale of an Army by Jayden

My class needed to make a ANZAC poem that will be presented at our ANZAC memorial, Take a look at my poem!

The War of the ANZACS by Mckoy

This is my Anzac Poem

Remembering the ANZAC Soldiers

Today we were reflecting on our learning about ANZAC this term.

We brainstormed words related to ANZAC and put these words into a poem.

This poem was put together by Leigh-Amber, Loni and Kereama

T.P.S Fifia Night by Devine

This Is my FiaFia night presentation that I have created for all to see and enjoy.

Fifia Night by Lauren and Tiere

This is my presentation about the Fiafia Night This Term In Term One.It is my review about how they felt and what happened.This event was for Year 7&8's camp to fund raise.We performed throughout this whole term to present this to entertain parents and caregivers in order for us to get money to camp and to show off.

T.P.S Po Fifia Night by John, Nesbert & Lolo

Last night we had our T.P.S Fifia night. This is a presentation that my group and I worked on and it is based on performances from different cultures. This was a VERY exciting night.

Fiafia Night - Term 1 2014 by Cypress and Kini

This is a blog post me and my buddy Kini did to show you what we did on Fiafia night.
We put in pictures for you to see and texts that explain the pictures.
I hope you leave a comment down below and enjoy.

T.P.S Po Fiafia - Term 1 2014 by Deandra

This is a reflection on our T.P.S Fiafia night that was held at the ex - Tamaki Intermidiate Hall .
I really hope you enjoy reading this presentation and see all the wonderful things that happened while you were busy elsewhere.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuakana/Teina Day with Room 10 - Term 1, 2014

Today Room 7 had Tuakana/Teina day with Room 10. Here is a photo album of students in Room 7 and 10 working together on their ANZAC learning tasks.

ANZAC DAY Summary Task - Tuakana/Teina Day - Jayden/Sam/Alo

We have been learning to put different facts about ANZAC into our own words with our buddy partner for Tuakana/Teina, Take a look!

Our understanding about ANZAC - Cavhyon, John and Mahara - Tuakaka/Teina Day