Sunday, August 21, 2011


What is a Tornado? Press play to find out!

Be Aware! Be Prepared! - Volcanic Eruption

Do you know what causes a volcanic eruption?
Do you know how to stay safe when a volcano
erupts where you live? Press play to find out!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flood - Are You Prepared?

How do you stay safe when there is a flood?
Press play to find out how you can stay safe during a flood.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Be aware! Be prepared! - Tsunami

Are you aware that a Tsunami can destroy a
whole city within seconds?

Press play to find out more about
the affects of a Tsunami.

Be Aware! Be Prepared! - Earthquake

Press play to find out how an earthquake can change peoples' withing seconds. Find out how you can stay safe during an earthquake!